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Meet The Author

Meet The Author

Book Two out shortly – Click here for a preview of Chapter One

Click here to purchase your copy now on Amazon UK Books

This is a story of stories. Stories of the West Midlands Police Mounted Branch of the 1970s. Stories that have been re-told many times about things that really happened. Re-told by the men that were there, re-told in pubs and canteens by the men that weren’t there, and re-told again years later at re-unions, wakes, and other venues where old comrades meet, drink, and inevitably reminisce. They are stories that make people laugh; funny because they involve animals and because they really happened, but funnier because multiple renditions have added drama, humour and plenty of other frilly bits to the tale.

Stefan Wild, at the age of sixty-five, began to write them down, and what began as a collection of vignettes, unexpectedly morphed into one story and eventually into this book. The story is set in 1979, itself a time of change, so the male dominated environment, attitudes, and some of the dialogue may raise eyebrows among younger readers. The author wanted a book that could be read by all members of his family so excessive foul and abusive language, indicative of the time, has been moderated; hopefully this has not diminished the authenticity of the narrative. It is the author’s first book and his only writing qualification is a fifty-year-old O-level in English language.

The characters’ names in this book are all fictitious. The characters themselves are a mixture; some are generic, others are hybrids, and some are the product of the author’s fading recollection and vivid imagination. Similarities to real people, living or otherwise, are probably coincidental.

Some of the horses’ names are real, but where the name of a horse could lead to the identification of a real person, that name has been changed.

The author, however, is a real person and is the main character in the book; Stefan Wild is a pseudonym.

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